The Art & Science of Recruitment:

I love the SCIENCE behind Recruitment: How to use technology to make a process more efficient, supported by analysis and analytics. The devil is in the details: where I'll give you strategic advice, based on in depth knowledge and expertise.


On the other hand:
I love the ART behind Recruitment: it is a unique skill, performed by creative people to find the unfindable person that somehow magically fits your situation. It's the dance of managing stakeholders and making it work for your users.

About Patrick Boonstra

Experienced Project lead (projectmanager and expert consultant) on recruitment innovation projects.
Specialised in implementing ATS's and projectlead Careersites, combining in depth knowledge of recruitment tech, the processes and loving the hustle and politics of consultancy to inbed it into your organisation.

I'll help you establish a decent basis for more innovation and make recruitment fun again.

Our Skills Set

Recruitment Technology
Recruitment Process
Employer branding
ATS projects
TruAmsterdam events organised
Dragons slayed

"Beautiful recruitment tech doesn't need a manual or training."

Patrick Boonstra

Our Clients Say

  • T-Mobile
  • Rabobank Careersite

"Patrick does not have a favourite ATS: he manages to find the right one, for the right company & situation."

Martijn Smit

"Delivering the best careersite in the world - leverage our new employer brand globally with the best flow of candidates into our ATS."

Rens Freriks
Rabobank careersite